bzr branch
by Josh C
zoetrope 1.4 |
1 |
-- Class: View |
2 |
-- A view is a group that packages several useful objects with it. |
3 |
-- It's helpful to use, but not required. When a view is created, it |
4 |
-- automatically sets the.view for itself. the.view should be considered |
5 |
-- a read-only reference. If you want to switch views, you *must* set |
6 |
-- the app's view property instead. |
7 |
-- |
8 |
-- Extends: |
9 |
-- <Group> |
10 |
11 |
View = Group:extend |
12 |
{ |
13 |
-- Property: timer |
14 |
-- A built-in <Timer> object for use as needed. |
15 |
16 |
-- Property: tween |
17 |
-- A built-in <Tween> object for use as needed. |
18 |
19 |
-- Property: factory |
20 |
-- A built-in <Factory> object for use as needed. |
21 |
22 |
-- Property: focus |
23 |
-- A <Sprite> to keep centered onscreen. |
24 |
25 |
-- Property: focusOffset |
26 |
-- This shifts the view of the focus, if one is set. If both |
27 |
-- x and y properties are set to 0, then the view keeps the focus |
28 |
-- centered onscreen. |
29 |
focusOffset = { x = 0, y = 0 }, |
30 |
31 |
-- Property: minVisible |
32 |
-- The view clamps its scrolling so that nothing above or to the left |
33 |
-- of these x and y coordinates is visible. |
34 |
minVisible = { x = -math.huge, y = -math.huge }, |
35 |
36 |
-- Property: maxVisible |
37 |
-- This view clamps its scrolling so that nothing below or to the right |
38 |
-- of these x and y coordinates is visible. |
39 |
maxVisible = { x = math.huge, y = math.huge }, |
40 |
41 |
-- private property: _tint |
42 |
-- used to implement tints. |
43 |
44 |
-- private property: _fx |
45 |
-- used to perform fades and flashes. |
46 |
47 |
new = function (self, obj) |
48 |
obj = self:extend(obj) |
49 |
50 |
obj.timer = Timer:new() |
51 |
obj:add(obj.timer) |
52 |
obj.tween = Tween:new() |
53 |
obj:add(obj.tween) |
54 |
obj.factory = Factory:new() |
55 |
56 |
-- set the.view briefly, so that during the onNew() handler |
57 |
-- we appear to be the current view |
58 |
59 |
local oldView = the.view |
60 |
61 |
the.view = obj |
62 |
if obj.onNew then obj:onNew() end |
63 |
64 |
-- then reset it so that nothing breaks for the remainder |
65 |
-- of the frame for the old, outgoing view members. |
66 |
-- our parent app will restore us into the.view at the top of the next frame |
67 |
-- exception: there was no old view. |
68 |
69 |
if oldView then the.view = oldView end |
70 |
return obj |
71 |
end, |
72 |
73 |
-- Method: clampTo |
74 |
-- Clamps the view so that it never scrolls past a sprite's boundaries. |
75 |
-- This only looks at the sprite's position at this instant in time, |
76 |
-- not afterwards. |
77 |
-- |
78 |
-- Arguments: |
79 |
-- sprite - sprite to clamp to |
80 |
-- |
81 |
-- Returns: |
82 |
-- nothing |
83 |
84 |
clampTo = function (self, sprite) |
85 |
self.minVisible.x = sprite.x |
86 |
87 |
if sprite.x + sprite.width > then |
88 |
self.maxVisible.x = sprite.x + sprite.width |
89 |
else |
90 |
self.maxVisible.x = |
91 |
end |
92 |
93 |
self.minVisible.y = sprite.y |
94 |
95 |
if sprite.y + sprite.height > then |
96 |
self.maxVisible.y = sprite.y + sprite.height |
97 |
else |
98 |
self.maxVisible.y = |
99 |
end |
100 |
end, |
101 |
102 |
-- Method: panTo |
103 |
-- Pans the view so that the target sprite or position is centered |
104 |
-- onscreen. This sets the view's focus to nil. |
105 |
-- |
106 |
-- Arguments: |
107 |
-- target - sprite or coordinate pair to pan to |
108 |
-- duration - how long the pan will take, in seconds |
109 |
-- ease - what easing to apply, see <Tween> for details, defaults to 'quadInOut' |
110 |
-- |
111 |
-- Returns: |
112 |
-- A <Promise> that is fulfilled when the pan completes. |
113 |
114 |
panTo = function (self, target, duration, ease) |
115 |
ease = ease or 'quadInOut' |
116 |
local targetX, targetY |
117 |
118 |
if STRICT then |
119 |
assert((target.x and target.y and target.width and target.height) or (#target == 2), |
120 |
'pan target does not appear to be a sprite or coordinate pair') |
121 |
assert(type(duration) == 'number', 'pan duration is not a number') |
122 |
assert(self.tween.easers[ease], 'pan easing method ' .. ease .. ' is not defined') |
123 |
end |
124 |
125 |
if target.x and target.y and target.width and target.height then |
126 |
targetX = target.x + target.width / 2 |
127 |
targetY = target.y + target.height / 2 |
128 |
else |
129 |
targetX = target[1] |
130 |
targetY = target[2] |
131 |
end |
132 |
133 |
-- calculate translation to center these coordinates |
134 |
135 |
local tranX = math.floor(-targetX + / 2) |
136 |
local tranY = math.floor(-targetY + / 2) |
137 |
138 |
-- clamp translation to min and max visible |
139 |
140 |
if tranX > - self.minVisible.x then tranX = - self.minVisible.x end |
141 |
if tranY > - self.minVisible.y then tranY = - self.minVisible.y end |
142 |
143 |
if tranX < - self.maxVisible.x then |
144 |
tranX = - self.maxVisible.x |
145 |
end |
146 |
147 |
if tranY < - self.maxVisible.y then |
148 |
tranY = - self.maxVisible.y |
149 |
end |
150 |
151 |
-- tween the appropriate properties |
152 |
-- some care has to be taken to avoid fulfilling the promise twice |
153 |
154 |
self.focus = nil |
155 |
local promise = Promise:new() |
156 |
157 |
if tranX ~= self.translate.x then |
158 |
self.tween:start(self.translate, 'x', tranX, duration, ease) |
159 |
:andThen(function() promise:fulfill() end) |
160 |
161 |
if tranY ~= self.translate.y then |
162 |
self.tween:start(self.translate, 'y', tranY, duration, ease) |
163 |
end |
164 |
elseif tranY ~= self.translate.y then |
165 |
self.tween:start(self.translate, 'y', tranY, duration, ease) |
166 |
:andThen(function() promise:fulfill() end) |
167 |
else |
168 |
promise:fulfill() |
169 |
end |
170 |
171 |
return promise |
172 |
end, |
173 |
174 |
-- Method: fade |
175 |
-- Fades out to a specified color over a period of time. |
176 |
-- |
177 |
-- Arguments: |
178 |
-- color - color table to fade to, e.g. { 0, 0, 0 } |
179 |
-- duration - how long to fade out in seconds, default 1 |
180 |
-- |
181 |
-- Returns: |
182 |
-- A <Promise> that is fulfilled when the effect completes. |
183 |
184 |
fade = function (self, color, duration) |
185 |
assert(type(color) == 'table', 'color to fade to is ' .. type(color) .. ', not a table') |
186 |
local alpha = color[4] or 255 |
187 |
self._fx = color |
188 |
self._fx[4] = 0 |
189 |
return self.tween:start(self._fx, 4, alpha, duration or 1, 'quadOut') |
190 |
end, |
191 |
192 |
-- Method: flash |
193 |
-- Immediately flashes the screen to a specific color, then fades out. |
194 |
-- |
195 |
-- Arguments: |
196 |
-- color - color table to flash, e.g. { 0, 0, 0 } |
197 |
-- duration - how long to restore normal view in seconds, default 1 |
198 |
-- |
199 |
-- Returns: |
200 |
-- A <Promise> that is fulfilled when the effect completes. |
201 |
202 |
flash = function (self, color, duration) |
203 |
assert(type(color) == 'table', 'color to flash is ' .. type(color) .. ', not a table') |
204 |
color[4] = color[4] or 255 |
205 |
self._fx = color |
206 |
return self.tween:start(self._fx, 4, 0, duration or 1, 'quadOut') |
207 |
end, |
208 |
209 |
-- Method: tint |
210 |
-- Immediately tints the screen a color. To restore normal viewing, |
211 |
-- call this method again with no arguments. |
212 |
-- |
213 |
-- Arguments: |
214 |
-- red - red component, 0-255 |
215 |
-- green - green component, 0-255 |
216 |
-- blue - blue component, 0-255 |
217 |
-- alpha - alpha, 0-255, default 255 |
218 |
-- |
219 |
-- Returns: |
220 |
-- nothing |
221 |
222 |
tint = function (self, red, green, blue, alpha) |
223 |
alpha = alpha or 255 |
224 |
225 |
if red and green and blue and alpha > 0 then |
226 |
self._tint = { red, green, blue, alpha } |
227 |
else |
228 |
self._tint = nil |
229 |
end |
230 |
end, |
231 |
232 |
update = function (self, elapsed) |
233 |
Group.update(self, elapsed) |
234 |
235 |
-- follow the focused sprite |
236 |
237 |
local screenWidth = |
238 |
local screenHeight = |
239 |
240 |
if self.focus and self.focus.width < screenWidth |
241 |
and self.focus.height < screenHeight then |
242 |
self.translate.x = math.floor(- (self.focus.x + self.focusOffset.x) + |
243 |
(screenWidth - self.focus.width) / 2) |
244 |
self.translate.y = math.floor(- (self.focus.y + self.focusOffset.y) + |
245 |
(screenHeight - self.focus.height) / 2) |
246 |
end |
247 |
248 |
-- clamp translation to min and max visible |
249 |
250 |
if self.translate.x > - self.minVisible.x then |
251 |
self.translate.x = - self.minVisible.x |
252 |
end |
253 |
254 |
if self.translate.y > - self.minVisible.y then |
255 |
self.translate.y = - self.minVisible.y |
256 |
end |
257 |
258 |
if self.translate.x < screenWidth - self.maxVisible.x then |
259 |
self.translate.x = screenWidth - self.maxVisible.x |
260 |
end |
261 |
262 |
if self.translate.y < screenHeight - self.maxVisible.y then |
263 |
self.translate.y = screenHeight - self.maxVisible.y |
264 |
end |
265 |
end, |
266 |
267 |
draw = function (self, x, y) |
268 |
Group.draw(self, x, y) |
269 |
270 |
-- draw our fx and tint on top of everything |
271 |
272 |
if self._tint then |
273 | |
274 |'fill', 0, 0,, |
275 |, 255, 255, 255) |
276 |
end |
277 |
278 |
if self._fx then |
279 | |
280 |'fill', 0, 0,, |
281 |, 255, 255, 255) |
282 |
end |
283 |
end, |
284 |
285 |
__tostring = function (self) |
286 |
local result = 'View (' |
287 |
288 |
if then |
289 |
result = result .. 'active' |
290 |
else |
291 |
result = result .. 'inactive' |
292 |
end |
293 |
294 |
if self.visible then |
295 |
result = result .. ', visible' |
296 |
else |
297 |
result = result .. ', invisible' |
298 |
end |
299 |
300 |
if self.solid then |
301 |
result = result .. ', solid' |
302 |
else |
303 |
result = result .. ', not solid' |
304 |
end |
305 |
306 |
return result .. ', ' .. self:count(true) .. ' sprites)' |
307 |
end |
308 |
} |