bzr branch
by Josh C
zoetrope 1.4 |
1 |
-- copy references to existing globals so that |
2 |
-- debug.reload() will have a correct initial starting point. |
3 |
4 |
if DEBUG then |
5 |
-- remember initial state |
6 |
7 |
local _initialGlobals = {} |
8 |
local _initialPackages = {} |
9 |
10 |
for key, value in pairs(_G) do |
11 |
_initialGlobals[key] = value |
12 |
end |
13 |
14 |
for key, value in pairs(package.loaded) do |
15 |
-- it looks as though the type of a module |
16 |
-- that is currently being loaded, but hasn't |
17 |
-- completed is userdata |
18 |
19 |
if type(value) ~= 'userdata' then |
20 |
_initialPackages[key] = value |
21 |
end |
22 |
end |
23 |
24 |
debugger = |
25 |
{ |
26 |
_initialGlobals = _initialGlobals, |
27 |
_initialPackages = _initialPackages, |
28 |
_originalErrhand = love.errhand, |
29 |
_crashed = false |
30 |
} |
31 |
32 |
-- replace crash handler |
33 |
-- we have to do this at this stage; there seems to be |
34 |
-- some magic that happens to connect to this function |
35 |
-- such that changing it later, even when creating the |
36 |
-- initial view, doesn't work |
37 |
38 |
love.errhand = function (message) |
39 |
if debugger._crashed then |
40 |
debugger._originalErrhand(message) |
41 |
return |
42 |
end |
43 |
44 |
if the.console and the.keys then |
45 |
debugger._crashed = true |
46 |
print(string.rep('=', 40)) |
47 |
print('\nCrash, ' .. message .. '\n') |
48 |
print(debug.traceback()) |
49 |
print('\n' .. string.rep('=', 40) .. '\n') |
50 |
the.console:show() |
51 | |
52 |
53 |
-- enter a mini event loop, just updating the |
54 |
-- console and keys |
55 |
56 |
local elapsed = 0 |
57 |
58 |
while true do |
59 |
if love.event then |
60 |
love.event.pump() |
61 |
62 |
for e, a, b, c, d in love.event.poll() do |
63 |
if e == 'quit' then |
64 |
if not love.quit or not love.quit() then return end |
65 |
end |
66 |
67 |
love.handlers[e](a, b, c, d) |
68 |
end |
69 |
end |
70 |
71 |
if love.timer then |
72 |
love.timer.step() |
73 |
elapsed = love.timer.getDelta() |
74 |
end |
75 |
76 |
the.keys:startFrame(elapsed) |
77 |
the.console:startFrame(elapsed) |
78 |
the.keys:update(elapsed) |
79 |
the.console:update(elapsed) |
80 |
the.keys:endFrame(elapsed) |
81 |
the.console:endFrame(elapsed) |
82 |
83 |
if the.keys:pressed('escape') then |
84 |
if not love.quit or not love.quit() then return end |
85 |
end |
86 |
87 |
if then |
88 | |
89 |
if love.draw then |
90 |
the.console:draw() |
91 |
end |
92 |
end |
93 |
94 |
if love.timer then love.timer.sleep(0.02) end |
95 |
if then end |
96 |
end |
97 |
else |
98 |
debugger._originalErrhand(message) |
99 |
end |
100 |
end |
101 |
end |
102 |
103 |
-- Warn about accessing undefined globals in strict mode |
104 |
105 |
if STRICT then |
106 |
setmetatable(_G, { |
107 |
__index = function (table, key) |
108 |
local info = debug.getinfo(2, 'Sl') |
109 |
print('Warning: accessing undefined global ' .. key .. ', ' .. |
110 |
info.short_src .. ' line ' .. info.currentline) |
111 |
end |
112 |
}) |
113 |
end |
114 |
115 |
require 'zoetrope.core.class' |
116 |
117 |
require '' |
118 |
require 'zoetrope.core.cached' |
119 |
require 'zoetrope.core.collision' |
120 |
require 'zoetrope.core.globals' |
121 |
require 'zoetrope.core.sprite' |
122 |
require '' |
123 |
require 'zoetrope.core.promise' |
124 |
require 'zoetrope.core.timer' |
125 |
require 'zoetrope.core.tween' |
126 |
require 'zoetrope.core.view' |
127 |
128 |
require 'zoetrope.input.gamepad' |
129 |
require 'zoetrope.input.keys' |
130 |
require 'zoetrope.input.mouse' |
131 |
132 |
require 'zoetrope.sprites.animation' |
133 |
require 'zoetrope.sprites.emitter' |
134 |
require 'zoetrope.sprites.fill' |
135 |
require '' |
136 |
require 'zoetrope.sprites.text' |
137 |
require 'zoetrope.sprites.tile' |
138 |
139 |
require 'zoetrope.ui.button' |
140 |
require 'zoetrope.ui.cursor' |
141 |
require 'zoetrope.ui.textinput' |
142 |
143 |
require 'zoetrope.utils.debug' |
144 |
require 'zoetrope.utils.factory' |
145 |
require 'zoetrope.utils.recorder' |
146 |
require '' |
147 |
require 'zoetrope.utils.subview' |
148 |
149 |
-- simple load function to bootstrap the app if love.load() hasn't already been defined; |
150 |
-- defining it again after this works fine as well |
151 |
152 |
if not love.load then |
153 |
love.load = function() |
154 |
if then |
155 |
-- if we only extended an app, instantiate it |
156 |
if not ( and then = end |
157 | |
158 |
end |
159 |
end |
160 |
end |